Through the power of relativity, a million-year picnic may pass in an hour.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Minds, Prepare to be Blown

I sincerely hope that you're sitting down as you read this. If not, grab a seat and buckle up.

Picture this: a powerful woman, never treated by her man as society expects a man to treat a wife. She emerges from the shadow of his influence and finds herself struggling to control the ideological future of a people. She represents an established political organization, and hopes to return to a time of paradise and splendor. However, her peculiar femininity causes many to distrust her.

She competes for that ideological control with a young man known to the people as an outsider, who speaks in terms of destiny and claims to have a vision of the future. He seizes the imagination of the people by promising them a fabulous new future. Although she disapproves of his leveraging his popularity into political control, he gradually brings one group of followers after another around to his point of view. There are concerns because he grew up in a far-off place, but he easily integrates himself into their society.

Both of them have nearly identical goals, to throw off the yoke of domination laid on them for years by what they see as a harsh, authoritarian leader. This unpopular leader generally responds to threats either by denying that they exist or attempting to obliterate them entirely with a display of overwhelming force. Eventually he finds it necessary to relinquish direct control, and so props up one of his faction's most loyal supporters to square off against the new threats.

As to how the story ends, I'm not too sure. "What do you mean," you ask, "isn't this the plot of Dune?" I can see why you might think that, my friends. But this is actually the plot...of ELECTION 2008!!!

To tie things together, a selection from the glossary:
BARAKA - A living holy man of magical powers.

Frank Herbert planned this.


Kaitlin said...

Ah, thank you Scott, you just made my day. This was such-the-best.

Air Viper said...

Once again Scott, great job. I doubt I'd be able to see that connection.

Zakahi said...

Are you suggesting Barack Obama is the Messiah?

Also, am I the only person who believes Obama's positions are more political rhetoric than anything else. Effective rhetoric, yes, but still just rhetoric.

Scott Hansen said...

It seems to me that if I was suggesting Obama is the Messiah by comparing this election to Dune, then I'd really be saying that Obama is a leader put into place by false hopes implanted into a willing populace, right?

Anyway, I don't support Obama, I agree with you about the rhetoric. Keep in mind, not everyone in Dune thinks Paul is the Messiah, either. I feel the comparison is still valid.